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CV: Education

2010 - 2012

Master of Science in the Marine Sciences 
Savannah State University

Savannah, Georgia

Thesis: Interactions between common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and shrimp trawlers in Savannah, Georgia


Bachelor of Science
College of William and Mary

Williamsburg, Virginia
Major: Biology

Professional activities

CV: Experience

2022 - Present

Florida Sea Grant Extension Agent

University of Florida IFAS Extension, Flagler and Volusia Counties, FL 
The Sea Grant Extension Agent position is a partnership between University of Florida IFAS Extension, NOAA, and county governments with the purpose of providing scientific knowledge and expertise to the public. In this role I develop and implement community educational programs in the marine sciences and coastal conservation in Flagler and Volusia Counties with the goals of addressing issues, facilitating solutions, and promoting positive behavior changes associated with the health of coastal and estuarine environments and their inhabitants.

2018 - 2020

Resident Lecturer in Tropical Coastal Ecology

School for Field Studies, Bocas del Toro, Panamá
Created lesson plans and teach an upper-level field-based Tropical Coastal Ecology course to university students from the US in a semester-long study abroad program.  Mentored students in a Directed Research course and assist them in executing a research  project. Assisted with community engagement activities and day-to-day life around the center. Served as Acting Center Director in the summer of 2019.


Marine Science Instructor and Program Manager

Sea|Mester, Global Expeditions Group
Developed course materials and instructed lecture and field-based science courses to university and gap year students: Introduction to Marine Biology and Introduction to Oceanography.
Planned 90-day program schedules and coordinated with organizations on shore in various countries; served as the point of communication between the students, the staff on the vessel, and in the office; managed a staff of seven; supervised and monitored the safety of student groups; guided scuba dives and sailed the vessel.

Summers 2014, 2015, and 2018

Operational Director and Trip Leader

ActionQuest and GoBeyond, Global Expeditions Group

Led groups of 8-12 high school students on an adventure travel and service learning programs in Australia and Thailand.  Handled logistics and accounting, provided supervision, and facilitated group discussions and interactive learning opportunities. 



Instructor for Department of Natural Sciences
and Marine Sciences Technician

Savannah State University, Savannah, GA
Developed course materials and instructed Introduction to Marine Biology and Human Biology, served as the editor for both undergraduate and graduate Technical Writing courses. 
Managed both laboratory and field aspects of the dolphin research lab, mentored undergraduates in their research, and wrote and edited manuscripts.


National Science Foundation GK-12 Fellow

National Science Foundation / Chatham County Public Schools, Savannah, GA.  
Created lesson plans for 7th grade life science and 8th grade physical science classes based on marine science research; assisted in middle school science classrooms and at an outdoor education facility for K-12 students.

Volunteer Activities


2019 - 2021

Founding Member of Bocas Hope Spot

Bocas Hope Spot, Bocas del Toro, Panamá
Founding member and awardee of the Mission Blue Hope Spot recognition for Bocas del Toro.  Collaborate with multiple NGOs in Panama to promote the conservation of our marine ecosystem; create and disseminate educational materials to the community of Bocas del Toro; provide training to the marine park guards; write scientific content for the new tour guide certification textbook for our region; create and post educational social media content.


You can access each of my publications by clicking on the article titles below.

Kovacs, C.J., Curran, M.C., & Cox, T.C. (2013). Where’s that dolphin? Using sightings of bottlenose dolphins to study spatial patterns. The Science Teacher 80(9): 24-29.

Kovacs, C.J., Curran, M.C., & Cox, T.C.  (2013). Using mathematics to conduct social analyses of bottlenose dolphins in the classroom. Science Scope: 36(8): 52-60.

Kovacs, C.J., Daskin, J.H., Patterson, H., & Carmichael, R.H. (2010). Crassostrea virginica shells record local variation in wastewater inputs to a coastal estuary.  Aquatic Biology 9:


CV: Volunteer Work


CV: Education


  • CPR, First Aid, and Waterfront Lifeguard Certification (American Red Cross) 

  • Divemaster (PADI)

  • L2 Kayak Instructor (American Canoe Association) 

  • Group Fitness Instructor (American Council on Exercise) 


  • Strong communication skills and excellent at coordination. 

  • Detailed-oriented with excellent time management skills. 

  • Highly organized – a big fan of lists, calendars, and online management systems. 

  • Critical thinker and self-starter who enjoys creating new programs and improving systems.  

  • Engaging public speaker and educator with 10+ years of teaching experience. 

  • Excellent writer with the ability to cater writing to a wide range of audiences, including educational documents, professional reports, and scientific publications. 

  • Strong scientific background with experience teaching and conducting research. 

  • Languages: English (native), Spanish (advanced conversational)                  

  • Microsoft Office, Google Suite, Canva, social media management 

  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

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