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Educational Resources

Guides and infographics I created

Guía de corales de Bocas del Toro


Corales - infographic


Estrellas del mar - infographics 


Find more information on specific species and topics in my blog 

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Guides

Scientific literature

This is a very small fraction of the scientific literature that has been published about the coastal and marine realm of Bocas del Toro, but here are a few of my favorites.  More to come as this pages grows! 


Cramer (2013). History of human occupation and environmental change in western and central Caribbean Panama.  A must read for anyone living in Bocas del Toro so that you understand the history of where we live. 

Cramer et al. (2012). Anthropogenic mortality on coral reefs in Caribbean Panama predates coral disease and bleaching.  This paper addresses the issues that were facing our reefs prior to Caribbean-wide bleaching and disease.  

Dominici-Arosemena & Wolff. (2005). Reef fish community structure in Bocas del Toro (Caribbean, Panama): Gradients in habitat complexity and exposure.  This paper discusses the fish species you find in the reefs of Bocas del Toro and how habitat complexity affects which species you will find.  

Guzmán and Guevara (1998). Arrecifes coralinos de Bocas del Toro, Panama: I. Distribución, estructura y estado de conseracion de los arrecifes de los arrecifes de las Islas Bastimentos, Solarte, Carenero y Colón.  This is one of a series of papers that was the result of the first scientific surveys conducted in Bocas del Toro.  

Seemann et al. (2014). Assessing the ecological effects of human impacts on coral reefs in Bocas del Toro, Panama.  As the title says, this paper looks at the effects humans have had on our reefs and how that affects the entire ecosystem - a must-read if you are interested in marine conservation in Bocas.  

Seemann, et al.  (2018).  The importance of sponges and mangroves in supporting fish communities on degraded coral reefs in Caribbean Panama.  

Kassamali-Fox et al. (2020) Tour boats affect the activity patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Check out the Panacetacea site for more information and publications on the bottlenose dolphins in Dolphin Bay.  

Meylen et al. (2013).  Sea turtles of Bocas del Toro Province and the Comarca Ngöbe-Buglé, Republic of Panamá.  The main publication on sea turtles in Bocas del Toro.  

Dorsett and Rubio-Cisneros. (2019).  Many tourists, few fishes: Using tourists' and locals’ knowledge to assess seafood consumption on vulnerable waters of the archipelago of Bocas del Toro, Panama.  An interesting look at fishing and seafood consumption in Bocas.  

Guerrón-Montero.  (2005). Marine Protected Areas in Panama: Grassroots activism and advocacy.   A must-read to understand the Isla Bastimentos Parque Nacional Marina.  


Velandia (2015). Variabilidad climática y desarrollo de capacidad adaptativa en el Archipiélago Bocas del Toro en Panamá.  

Educational resources: Experience
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